Risk Management System & Services

Keep your company protected with effective risk management strategies and an in-depth business risk analysis.

Be prepared before expensive litigations, compliance issues or workplace accidents threaten your business.

Work with Alliance to ensure that your company is protected with an established risk management plan. We’ll put into place any necessary procedures or regulations that keep your processes compliant with federal and state regulations.

Our experienced HR team will also work one-on-one with you to develop risk management strategies after performing a business inspection and risk analysis. Because we tailor solutions for each client, you only pay for the perfect risk management system for your particular industry and company.

  • Payroll and employee benefits compliance
  • Employee safety, discrimination and harrassment trainings
  • Drug and alcohol testing
  • Safety handbooks and policies that meet changing regulations
  • Insurance claims management

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Creating Your Business Risk Management Plan

The most effective and comprehensive risk management strategies are personalized for each separate business. That’s why Alliance creates individualized risk management systems that cover all your bases. We want you to feel at ease that your business investment is protected from large financial losses and damaging disputes.

Should an employment practice lead to a lawsuit, our qualified team will do everything in our power to mitigate damage and address the issue head-on. With our risk management system in place, though, most if not all litigations generally can be avoided or lessened in severity as regulations are met and complied with.

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Harrassment & Discrimination Trainings

Alliance offers new hire and current employee trainings to establish compliant policies and a workplace culture free of harrassment or discrimination.

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Workplace Safety

A workplace injury can turn into a serious problem quickly. After running a business risk analysis, our team will outline a detailed risk management plan that keeps you in line with OSHA standards.

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Workers’ Compensation & Benefits Compliance

As part of our insurance management services, your Alliance representatives will find affordable workers’ compensation and health or accident insurance plans that are ACA-compliant.

Contact Our Workers’ Compensation & Risk Management Team Today

Safeguard your company with a risk management system that frees you up to run your business. Get in touch with our team at Alliance today!