Electronic Payroll System & Processing Services

Simplify the way you do payroll with our team of HR specialists and automated payroll software that will save you hours of precious time.

Tired of dealing with a payroll system that takes up more of your time than it’s worth? We have the solution.

Payroll is one of those essential tasks that can’t go half-finished. However, without the right system in place, it can take up your precious time on a daily basis. That’s where Alliance can help. Our payroll processing system and administrative services makes payroll a breeze with accurate reporting and a user-friendly platform

Alliance assumes the responsibility for payroll processing, payroll tax reporting and payroll audits specifically for each client’s needs. Our payroll services include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Easy direct deposit setup for paying employees
  • Section 125 pre-tax benefits
  • Vacation and sick pay accruals
  • Job costing/department analysis
  • Payroll deductions including garnishments and levies
  • Filing of tax reports – FICA, FUTA, SUTA
  • Filing of federal and state tax payments
  • Courier payroll delivery (in most cases)
  • Online/mobile access to past W-2s and pay stubs
  • Customizable dashboard for employers and employees
  • Unlimited payroll reporting
  • Custom reporting

This payroll system won’t disappoint with its user-friendly interface and time-saving automations

Alliance proudly uses Vfficient as our payroll software. Give yourself and all employees real-time access to updated accounts and pay stubs, as well as quick access to view PTO and any enrolled benefits. Employee records are kept safe and secure in our cloud-based storage whenever you need to review them.

As part of our payroll services, your Alliance representatives will also provide you with complete and unlimited payroll reports. Be in control of your payroll, without losing that precious time you need for real business growth.

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Comprehensive Payroll System

A simpler payroll system means easier access for you and your employees to pay stubs, W-2 forms, payroll reports, etc. Our electronic payroll processing system saves you hours of hassle, even when signing on new employees.

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Less Time on Logistics

Your team already has enough on its plate; let Alliance take some of the burden away. We’ll spend the time handling payroll processing and administration so you don’t need to. Any questions can be directed to our dedicated staff, not just a computerized program.

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Meet Tax Regulations

With ever-changing tax codes, keeping up on payroll regulations can be a challenge. But our licensed team always ensures that your payroll meets tax codes and is filed correctly and on time.

Contact Our Payroll Accounting Team Today